Answered By: Ashley Curran Last Updated: Apr 19, 2023 Views: 311
ORCID at the NYU School of Medicine
What is ORCID?
ORCID is a widely used unique researcher/author identifier scheme. An ORCID ID is a 16 character code (e.g., "0000-0001-5390-4394") which allows researcher/authors to be unambiguously identified, regardless of name similarities or name changes. ORCID IDs supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized and credited appropriately. Read more at:
The NYU Health Sciences Library urges all School of Medicine faculty to get your ORCID ID and to grant the Library permission to manage your ORCID profile.
What are the benefits of ORCID?
1. Your ORCID ID will identify you unambiguously for purposes of scholarly publishing and research funding.
2. In addition to managing IDs, ORCID is also a prominent online research platform, presenting a profile of your work to the international research community. When you grant the NYU Health Sciences Library permission to handle updates, you will not have to maintain that profile yourself; the Library will do it for you.
3. ORCID can be used, with SciENcv, to automatically populate your NIH Biosketch with appropriate publications. Read more at
4. ORCID will help the Library improve the quality and efficiency of the Faculty Bibliography, resulting in fewer errors and less manual review and faculty intervention.
5. Your ORCID ID will lower barriers to participation in the rapidly evolving research infrastructure. At NYULMC ORCID IDs are being considered as a means of identifying extramural users of research core facilities. Other institutions and players are likely to follow suit.
Automatically updating ORCID from the NYU Faculty Bibliography
Your ORCID account must grant the NYU Health Sciences Library "trusted organization" status. That is a reasonably quick process you can initiate from NYULH ORCID sign up page
Once you have granted the Library trusted organization status it will keep your ORCID publications listings synced with the NYU Faculty Bibliography. It will also keep your basic demographic data current (based on authoritative School of Medicine data). At present it will not sync your grants and funding information or your educational and employment data (apart from your School of Medicine appointment).
You may revoke trusted organization status at will.
Questions & Concerns
If you have difficulties with the email instructions or have other questions regarding ORCID, please contact us.
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